Tuesday 22 March 2016

Holi the great Festival

Holi Festival in the whole India with Mithilanchal is celebrated very grandly. A day ahead of Holi bonfire is held combustion. The festival of Holi in a way forget hostility, happiness and joy to share with each other, the festival. Holi is a house like dishes are prepared, including pre-material is very special. The big day at the feet of the elderly to receive blessings by putting little Abir. Holi color looks specifically at children.
                                             So if the new marriage-Shudaon Lutri exiting party. These people with your sister-in-law went to enjoy a variety of Holly.Now people in the festival of colors Holi colors are to be avoided. Sometimes the colors would have led to the assault. But it should not be a person not want to paint them, but fight as not to Gualala.
                                                                  Some people who do drugs and drink should not have them, well their thinking. What these alcoholics? In all that they forget the sorrow or joy is visible just to drink wine.

Why Smoking curse for humans?

 Of which you and your family is very beneficial for those.

                                    So let us all get to enjoy the Holly. All gums may be ignored. And said Sara Ra Ra, Holly, Holly's brother, get all the play Holi, Holi is not mind.

            wish you all a lot of Holly and

Holikadhn |

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